Friday, November 8, 2013

Proud Mama

Today we went with a friend to the Doctor's office. We've been really busy this week so the twins have been doing a lot of schoolwork in the car. Next week should be better on that note. Anyway, we were sitting there in the waiting room, me with a twin on each side of me. Baileigh was reading her free reading book, Steven was working in a math workbook. Both just working away. Being quiet. Being good. I got up to use the restroom. As I walked by another lady sitting there she stopped me and proceeded to tell me what good children I had. I said thank-you. And from behind me Baileigh says, "We're not always this good." Ha ha. When I came back the woman asked me why they weren't in school and I told her that we homeschool. She started asking me questions about homeschooling. She was very interested in what we did. Then she told me again what good kids they were and how most kids she saw in the Drs. waiting room were bouncing all over the place. And I thought, you know what? They are good kids. They've been through a lot. We've been through a lot. But they have come so far. I can see both of them turning that corner from childhood to preteen. It's a bit scary, but I am proud of the maturity I see beginning to come out. I am proud of them. I am proud of the family that we have made. AND, just a funny little side note, when we were leaving she said good-bye to us and told Baileigh she was a beautiful girl and looked a lot like her mother, me. LOL It's the brown hair and eyes. :)