Six years. It has been six years since the twins became a permanent part of our life. They were just babies, a month short of two. I remember I threw that birthday party together very quickly. We never thought that we'd be raising children after ours were grown and out of the nest. Now we can't imagine our lives any other way than with the twins as a part of them.
They're going to be 8 next month. I can't believe that either. They're not baby's anymore. They were babies for more than their fair share of years. Partially because they were a little behind due to being twins and premature, and partially because of all they've gone through, and continue to go through, with not only dna related problems but family issues. I freely admit it, I babied them much longer then I did my own two children, and it is just recently that I find myself saying, "You're almost 8, you're not babies, do it yourself."
They are growing up so quickly. I see everyday more maturity from both of them. Like I said no more babies. Although girl twin does seem to revert back a little from time to time and requires a little laptime and rocking. And boy twin does need to be constantly reassured that I love him. I don't mind. As all parents know it won't be long til they're up and going their own ways and don't want or need those things from me anymore. So I will rock when rocking is required, and I will tell him I love him a million times a day. And I will cherish every moment I can because they won't be around forever, and when their time with us is done, or at least when they're ready to fly I will watch them go and be glad that I was the one, we were the ones to give them a safe nest, and wings.