Saturday, May 11, 2013


In 10 days the twins will be 10!!!Boggles the mind doesn't it!?!? Just thought I'd recap what's been going on the last year. I am very happy. Things are going very well. Oh, we still have our occasional meltdown, those are never any fun. But they are far and few between and we have learned how to better handle them when they do happen. We also have a girl who seems to think she's already a teenager! Yee gads! I am in no way ready for that!!! Both kids still go to counseling. Steven has been going more than Bay because he was the one having more problems, but I have recently talked to the counselor about seeing little Miss Puberty more often to work on her lovely attitude, and the way she treats her brother. She is something else! :) Steven is doing do much better then he was a year ago. I can see them both maturing and it makes me very happy. Steven also takes Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy once a week. Homeschooling is going very well too. I never have any trouble getting them to do their lessons. Baileigh is ahead of Steven and I have spent a great deal of time saying, "It is not a race." That's one of the good things about homeschooling, every child can work at their own pace. We are going to have school all summer as it only takes a couple of hours a day anyway. We planted a big garden this year, and got a couple of chickens. We have a zoo going on here. My goal is to teach the twins how to be self sufficient. They also help Dayday mow at home and church, and this year are going to get paid for it. Dayday says they must give some to God, save some (I'm hoping to start savings accounts. ",and keep the rest. This will be especially good for Steven a.s he has a problem saving money. I guess that's all for now. It's been a pretty good year. There have been tough times like I said, but overall I am happy with our progress. Just can't believe our "twinkies " are going to be 10!