Friday, November 8, 2013

Proud Mama

Today we went with a friend to the Doctor's office. We've been really busy this week so the twins have been doing a lot of schoolwork in the car. Next week should be better on that note. Anyway, we were sitting there in the waiting room, me with a twin on each side of me. Baileigh was reading her free reading book, Steven was working in a math workbook. Both just working away. Being quiet. Being good. I got up to use the restroom. As I walked by another lady sitting there she stopped me and proceeded to tell me what good children I had. I said thank-you. And from behind me Baileigh says, "We're not always this good." Ha ha. When I came back the woman asked me why they weren't in school and I told her that we homeschool. She started asking me questions about homeschooling. She was very interested in what we did. Then she told me again what good kids they were and how most kids she saw in the Drs. waiting room were bouncing all over the place. And I thought, you know what? They are good kids. They've been through a lot. We've been through a lot. But they have come so far. I can see both of them turning that corner from childhood to preteen. It's a bit scary, but I am proud of the maturity I see beginning to come out. I am proud of them. I am proud of the family that we have made. AND, just a funny little side note, when we were leaving she said good-bye to us and told Baileigh she was a beautiful girl and looked a lot like her mother, me. LOL It's the brown hair and eyes. :)

Friday, August 9, 2013

A day in the life of .......

Just thought I'd let anyone that cared what a day in the life of a homeschool mom is like. Was woken up at 6:00 by children who feel the need to rise early in order to race outside ti feed the chickens. Before school I folded a load of laundry, put in another, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, fed the dogs, talked to my daughter, made my bed, taken a shower, and gotten dressed. School started at 10:00. Just so you know, school starts whenever it starts, not the same time every day. Sometimes we have appointments to work around. I love, love, love, the curriculum we're using this year.It's called The Prairie Primer and is based on the Little House books. I read a chapter in one of the books every day. Then our science, spelling,history, etc. comes out of it. Math and Cursive Writing are seperate.So far we have learned about owls, eagles, bears, light prisms, and today we learned about guns and gun safety. Baileigh was a little bored, but I was very pleased that Steven, who wants to be a hunter as well as a fisherman, knew all about gun safety already because of videos he has watched. After school we ran our neighbor to one Griggsville to the bank and put gas in my car. Then we ran to 'Dosh, got rid of our recyclables, went to Dollar General, Flynn 's and the library. Then home to put everything away. I am now taking a rest but soon must wash the kitchen floor and get supper. Then up to church to watch the twins mow. I do that so it doesn't turn into a lawnmower demolition derby. :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Once again ....

Thought I did this last night but then couldn't fb it and when I looked for it later it was gone. I haven't written for a long time. No real reason. Justly didn't take the time. Things are going fine. Still have issues here and there but that's just the way life is. There issues will always be there. Just learning, all of us, how to manage them. We have started school. I have turned our dining room into a classroom. We begin each school day saying our pledges, American, Christian, and Bible. The kids are really good about doing schoolwork for me. For this I am thankful. This year we are using the Prairie Primer. It has daily lessons based on each chapter of the Little House books. I ordered seperate math and handwriting. So far we have had two days of school. I hope to do three or four days a week.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mixed emotions.

I am both happy and sad tonight, which is really making me an emotional mess. Lol On one hand my oldest son is getting married tomorrow and for that I am excited and happy. The girl he has chosen to marry is very good for him. I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon so we can go to the wedding. The twins and the grandbabies, along with the brides to younger brothers are going to be in the wedding so it will be extra wonderful On the other hand one of my dearest friends, a woman I could never have imagined becoming friends/sisters with has just recently found out she has colon cancer. This of course makes me very sad and concerned for her. She is basically alone where she is and although I plan to be there as much as possible for her, distance, money, and other responsibilities, ie the twins and grandkids, will make it impossible to be there as much as I would like. I wish she still lived in front of me, although where she has moved has been good for her financially. But if she still lived here I could take better care of her. The twins love her dearly too. She has been part of their life since the beginning. So this is difficult on them too. Today we accompanied her to two different appointments and I was very proud of how well they behaved. Please anyone who reads this keep her in your prayers. Pray that God give her comfort, strength, and people who will be there for her.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


In 10 days the twins will be 10!!!Boggles the mind doesn't it!?!? Just thought I'd recap what's been going on the last year. I am very happy. Things are going very well. Oh, we still have our occasional meltdown, those are never any fun. But they are far and few between and we have learned how to better handle them when they do happen. We also have a girl who seems to think she's already a teenager! Yee gads! I am in no way ready for that!!! Both kids still go to counseling. Steven has been going more than Bay because he was the one having more problems, but I have recently talked to the counselor about seeing little Miss Puberty more often to work on her lovely attitude, and the way she treats her brother. She is something else! :) Steven is doing do much better then he was a year ago. I can see them both maturing and it makes me very happy. Steven also takes Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy once a week. Homeschooling is going very well too. I never have any trouble getting them to do their lessons. Baileigh is ahead of Steven and I have spent a great deal of time saying, "It is not a race." That's one of the good things about homeschooling, every child can work at their own pace. We are going to have school all summer as it only takes a couple of hours a day anyway. We planted a big garden this year, and got a couple of chickens. We have a zoo going on here. My goal is to teach the twins how to be self sufficient. They also help Dayday mow at home and church, and this year are going to get paid for it. Dayday says they must give some to God, save some (I'm hoping to start savings accounts. ",and keep the rest. This will be especially good for Steven a.s he has a problem saving money. I guess that's all for now. It's been a pretty good year. There have been tough times like I said, but overall I am happy with our progress. Just can't believe our "twinkies " are going to be 10!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Good days!

Ha ha! The title got you right away didn't it? Me, the big complainer, whiner is posting about good days! But basically that is what we are having. We haven't had a meltdown in weeks. There have been problems, and some of them are concerning, but overall everything is going well. They do their schoolwork well. They keep their chicken coop and pet cages clean. They help with chores for free and payment when asked. I am overall a happy mama. And hopefully now that I've written no one has a meltdown. :)

Monday, March 25, 2013


I'M not in a really good mood this afternoon, and I don't know why. We had Apryl from Friday til today, went to Mallory 's birthday party, and basically had a good weekend. Even though we got snowed in. I've never minded being snowed in as long as we have heat and food I'm good. :) We talked about a lot of "issues " over the weekend. That's probably what's got me down. People should really think about how their decisions and choices affect others around them. Steven had a major meltdown this morning because of some things that were discussed this weekend. My bad I guess. Must be more careful. I had to hold him down for a while. It's not a pleasant experience and inevitably makes me sad.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Yes. That is how I'm feeling today. Depressed. And I'm on medication for that. So what gives? And I'm a Christian. Supposed to turn it all over to God. Right? So what's my problem? Why do I feel like this? Oh, ye of little faith, right? No. I know He's here with me. That doesn't stop me from feeling down. There always seems to be one more thing. Now on top of homeschooling, housework, Counseling appointments, Orthodontist appointments, etc. We can add Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy. AND I'm supposed to work with him (them) at home too. Because I have soooo much spare time, right? Does anyone see a cape on my back? Because I think I'm supposed to be Superwoman.

Friday, March 15, 2013


I was going to write last night but my facebook page wouldn't behave. Probably a good thing as I was tired and depressed. Feel a little bit better this morning, although our morning's are rarely pleasant and this one was no different. Steven almost always has problems in the morning before his meds kick in. And sometimes he won't take them right away which makes it even worse. Yesterday I felt bad for many reasons. It is hard to be a mom to two children with "issues ", and a Grandma at the same time. I adore my grandbabies. Just hearing their voices over the phone or seeing them makes me smile. But when I have all four together I feel like I cannot be the Grandma I want to be, because I have to deal with the twins at the same time. And I love them too. They are my children too. Not of my body but of my heart. Baileigh adores the grandkids but sometimes she gets her nose out of joint and is not as nice to them, or at least to Reese as she should be. It's her fault he expects her to be his constant playmate. She made him that way when he was a baby. But now sometimes she doesn't want to be and she's not nice to him. Which hurts me too because he's just a little guy and I love him so. There are other things that bother me too. Like when people tell me what we should be doing with the twins, or not be doing, when they have no idea what our lives are like. Like the fact that sometimes I feel like an awful Christian because I get angry and frustrated and sometimes lose my temper. Because I have to take meds myself to keep myself from having a nervous breakdown. Does that mean I don't have enough faith in God? I never thought I'd have to take drugs. I always felt I was a strong person. Noe I don't know.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I have missed my blog so have decided to start it up again. There is such a thing in this country as freedom of speech. I never wrote anything to intentionally hurt anyone, but at the same time I told the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts. I started this blog for a couple of reasons, mostly so that anyone interested could get an idea of what our lives are like. Right now things are going pretty well. Steven's doing much better. He still has meltdowns but not as often and we are learning how to better handle them, although sometimes we don't handle them as well as we should. Homeschooling is going well. They are both good about settling down to do their work. The biggest problem we have is finding the time to time to do it. On an average we have two or three appts. a week. I try to make our appointments in the afternoon because if we don't Steven can't get motivated to do his work. I guess that's all for now. :)